The anatomy of a credit card payment form

Paying for something online with a credit card is simple, right? Yes and no. Yes, because we've been doing it since the early days of the Internet (e.g. Amazon), and no, because no two credit card forms are alike.

Over the past 20 years, we've built a mental model of paying online: I pull out a credit card from my wallet, enter the card details into a web form, and click a submit button. But getting from A to Z can be a tricky journey, riddled with questions the user has to answer. And obviously, nobody wants an instruction manual.

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Startups, stop spamming to ask for feedback

I sign up for new services/tools on a regular basis, usually from startups. Some promise to do "XYZ" better than tools I currently use. Some just peak my curiosity and I want to simply dig around. I would say 9/10 times, I end up not using the service/product I signed up for.

As a startup, I can understand that speaking to customers is super important. Speaking with customers helps you to figure what's good (or hopefully great) about your product, where customers get stuck, how well are you solving their problems etc. 

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