Menu selection with blink animation

Have you noticed how on Mac OS menus, when you click an item, the selection blinks a couple times? You probably haven't, because it's very subtle. We probably perceive it unconsciously.

But this pattern serves a purpose: it directly highlights the item we clicked. For that split second, you get a visual confirmation that your click registered, and that an action was triggered.

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Bootstrap responsive tabs

In a previous project, I had to create a tabs interface that combined a responsive design with the ability to add/remove tabs dynamically.

Typically, a tabbed layout has a set number of tabs, and a fixed width per tab. But if we peek just above our web world, we see a familiar tab interface that can have “lots” of tabs: our browser tabs.

Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE, all rely on tabs to navigate across multiple web pages at once. They share a set of similar patterns.

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Startups, stop spamming to ask for feedback

I sign up for new services/tools on a regular basis, usually from startups. Some promise to do "XYZ" better than tools I currently use. Some just peak my curiosity and I want to simply dig around. I would say 9/10 times, I end up not using the service/product I signed up for.

As a startup, I can understand that speaking to customers is super important. Speaking with customers helps you to figure what's good (or hopefully great) about your product, where customers get stuck, how well are you solving their problems etc. 

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Redesigning the "Budgets" page

I use Mint on a weekly basis (desktop + iPhone), and I think it's great! I do however have trouble navigating the "Budgets" page.  It's not as intuitive as I'd like to be.

I took the liberty of mocking up a new design for this page, borrowing design from the "Overview" page and the Mint iPhone app. I hope Mint's design team takes a look and gives it consideration.

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