Building a 0-to-1 payments platform
In order to accept payments on invoices, a business owner must first turn on payments.
Since Wave is free (no monthly subscription), and business owners pay a small fee on each payment, this is essentially a purchase decision / pay wall for the user.
The design goal was to remove any anxiety or stress for the user, by positioning payments as a normal activity of running a business, not something that costs the user money.
The landing page layout is simple with the call-to-action being very prominent, stress-reducing explanations are in the middle, and pricing information is displayed at the bottom. This layout was intentional since leading with the price had adverse conversion effects.
The business owner must complete an onboarding process by providing various business details, bank account information, and verify their identity.
The design challenge was to design a simple yet comprehensive wizard to capture the required information. Providing explanations along the way reduced users getting stuck.
In order to make the forms feel compact and easy to complete, we saved vertical space by combining like-fields.
For example, the address field is one unit, where the inputs are joined and there are no space gaps between.
The bank details screen shows the bank logo as a means to visually confirm the correct selection for the user.
There are some moments of delight in the onboarding process, like this one. Here a user chooses a billing descriptor that will appear on their client’s credit card statements.
The design challenge was to visually display this concept. Here I created a graphic of a bank statement that updated live based on the user’s input to the business name field.
A moment of both stress and trust comes near the end of the setup process. Identity verification is a security measure to prevent fraud. If verification fails, Wave holds the user’s money until the verification information is cleared.
The design challenge was to provide copy that was firm, instructive, and clear, and avoid setting off an alarm in the user’s mood or expectations.
Once a user successfully completes their application, they are ready to create an invoice that will be payments enabled.
This is where business owners can view all their past payments. At first glance this is a simple table design, but when you click on a payment row, the expanded view provides details on the transaction.
The design challenge was to clearly highlight the movement of money, as well as the fees charged to the business owner.
I designed different payment cards to represent the four major credit card facilitators.