
The Wave accounting product enables business owners to get financial clarity into how their business is performing.

One of the key tasks on this page is to verify all transactions for the business and to properly categorize them. This ensures accurate bookkeeping records for tax time.

There were numerous design challenges here, one being the display of a dense set of information in a clean and approachable way. Another consideration was how to provide easy data entry, intuitive categorization options, and access to advanced features like splitting a transaction.

Bulk actions are essential for speeding up frequent tasks like bulk categorization or bulk deletion.

Due to inherent complexity in bookkeeping records, one design challenge was to communicate why certain actions are available or not.

Here for example, we disable the Merge button and explain why it is disabled.

Another common task for the user is to split a transaction into multiple parts.

The design challenge was to visually ‘separate’ the transaction into multiple line items, while keeping the amounts and the total balance in view.

The Reporting product offers a dozen different reports (with more being added) to provide business owners with detailed financial reporting.

The names of these reports are often confusing to a new business owner. The design challenge was to group reports into categories, and to use effective copy to describe the value of each report.

The design challenge for each report was to provide business owners with “at-a-glance” insights, ability to dig deeper into the numbers, and a consistent display of tabular data across different reports.